Pediatric Athlete Spine Case: Young wrestler presented with 1 year of right sided LBP.
He recalls the pain started after a heavy deadlift and began to negatively impact his wrestling season. After an exam and CT imaging, found to have a unilateral right pars fracture.
After failing 4 months of bracing and activity modifications the family elected to undergo surgery. The patient underwent minimally invasive take down of the pseudoarthrosis, unilateral pars fixation with a cannulated headless compression screw and iliac crest bone grafting from the ipsilateral pelvis.
CT scan at 9 months demonstrates consolidation of bone at the fracture site. The patient is back to athletics and has started to lift weights again.
How would you have managed this?
Are there strategies you adopt to get the patient moving quicker? BMP?
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About Dr. Ashish Patel, MD
My training at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, a leading orthopedic hospital, created a strong desire to educate my patients regarding their neck and back condition, as I believe a well-informed patient can better participate during a joint decision-making process. I am focused on maximizing the overall patient experience and streamlining high-quality spine care for my patients.